Mattia Mor
Founder and CEO, Emotion Network
29 May - 9:30 am
Opening speech by Mattia Mor - Founder and CEO, Emotion Network
Mattia Mor
After graduating with honors in Business Economics from Bocconi University, Mattia Mor began his career in strategic consulting, working with top-tier firms like Value Partners and Bain & Company, specializing in the fashion industry.
Mor founded his first company in 2004 while still at university. Named Blomor, it was a streetwear brand that many will remember for its T-shirts printed with the names and recipes of cocktails. The idea for Blomor actually originated earlier, when he was still in high school.
In 2007, Mor decided to leave his job as an employee to dedicate himself entirely to Blomor, eventually selling his designs in over 30 countries and in more than 900 stores.
In 2015, he moved to Singapore to work as Senior Vice President for Lazada, a Southeast Asian e-commerce company, which was later acquired by Alibaba Group in 2016. Returning to Italy at the end of 2016, Mor became the Executive Director for Europe of Mei.com, Alibaba's luxury online flash sales platform, specializing in high-level products in fashion, design, and cosmetics.
In 2017, he launched the social communication project “HoSceltoMilano / HoSceltoItalia” with the aim of reawakening civic passion and patriotic sentiment towards Italy, and particularly towards the city of Milan. The following year, he was elected to the Italian Parliament as a Deputy.
During his parliamentary tenure from 2018 to 2022, he authored a bill named 'StartAct', designed to allow Italy to close the gap in private investments in startups and Venture Capital, thereby enhancing companies' ability to innovate, create jobs, and grow, as well as encouraging Italians to return to their homeland.
In 2020, together with Karin Fischer, Massimo Redaelli, Alec Ross, Claude Finckenberg, Thomas Schneider, and Gianluca D'Agostino, Mattia Mor founded Emotion Network, an Italian edtech & media company that aims to put human beings and their emotions at the center of development, believing in the power of storytelling to strengthen human potential and produce "Great stories to inspire, educate, and entertain." TechEmotion.com is a project by Emotion Network.
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