
Learnings for future vision

May 28-29, 2024 - Triennale Milano

Tech.Emotion Summit 2024 Partners


TECH.EMOTION 2024 - FRAMES: Learnings for future vision

Represented a pivotal gathering of innovative thinkers, technology enthusiasts, industry pioneers, and visionaries from across the globe.

The event at the Milan Triennale on May 28 and 29 was designed to inspire, enlighten and stimulate future thinking.

Speakers explored the impact of innovations—beyond the technological ones—on our lives (a frame of the past), tackled current challenges (a frame from the present), and forecasted the primary obstacles we'll face over the next decade (a frame for the future).

The Summit brought together a network of more than 450 people, including C-levels, entrepreneurs, creatives, and investors.

The agenda was packed with keynote speeches, interviews, fireside chats, panel discussions, and unparalleled networking opportunities designed to give attendees a deep dive into the greatest transformations of recent decades.

By revisiting the ‘frames’ of the past and present, we created a shared film of emotions, skills, and visions to outline the contours of the impending future that beckons us.

From Italy to the world.


Inspiring a debate on the role and responsibilities of innovation in the society of the future
Guiding innovators toward more human-centered, ethical and sustainable technology
Debating about new forms of capitalism that weave human beings and business, innovation and nature together
Networking and connecting people and businesses engaged in broad areas of human endeavor



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