Giuseppe Tomasello
VP of AI, Docebo
29 May - 2:50 pm
Keynote speech "From Anchovies to Algorithms: AI and the new learning Renaissance"
Giuseppe Tomasello - VP of AI, Docebo
Giuseppe Tomasello
As the Founder of Edugo.ai and now serving as Vice President of AI at Docebo, Giuseppe Tomasello's passion for Generative AI drives him to create innovative learning technologies that transform the educational experience. With over eight years of experience at the intersection of AI and learning technology, his mission is to leverage this potent combination to develop advanced, efficient, and tailored learning solutions.
Having significantly contributed to establishing Edugo.ai as a trailblazer in the Generative AI and learning technology sector, Tomasello remains committed to developing cutting-edge solutions that optimize the learning experience and cater to unique learner needs. In his current role at Docebo, he is excited to drive the evolution of corporate learning, shaping the way learning technologies are delivered and experienced in this new era of AI.
At the core of his work is a belief in the power of AI to extend human potential. By using AI as a tool to gain deeper insights into human learning and behavior, Tomasello aims to create technologies that not only impart knowledge but also enhance our understanding of the learning process itself. This approach aligns with the ongoing advancements in AI, where technology serves as a means to unlock new levels of human capability and comprehension.
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