
Gianluca Nicoletti

Journalist, Writer and President of Fondazione Cervelli Ribelli


28 May - 6:35 pm

"Rebel Brains for an autism-friendly world"
Michela Paparella - CEO of Kulta, Co-founder and General Manager of the Innovative Startup Nello Spettro
Gianluca Nicoletti - Journalist, Writer and President of Fondazione Cervelli Ribelli

Introduction by Karin Fischer 


Gianluca Nicoletti

Journalist and writer, a well-known voice of Italian radio.
He hosts daily programs for Radio24 (Sole24 Ore Group) and writes for the daily newspaper La Stampa. He is a Mondadori author.
He is actively involved in spreading awareness about autism and neurodivergence.
Since 2013, he has written three books on his experience as the father of his autistic son Tommy: "Una notte ho sognato che parlavi" (One Night I Dreamed You Spoke); "Alla fine qualcosa ci inventeremo" (In the End, We Will Come Up with Something); “Io, figlio di mio figlio” (I, Son of My Son). All three bestsellers are published by Oscar Mondadori.
He made a 90-minute film: "Tommy e gli altri" (Tommy and the Others), which tells of a journey across Italy, together with his son, in search of families with adult autistic dependents. It has been broadcast on Sky channels since April 2017 and was entirely self-financed and supported through crowdfunding.
In 2018, the film was toured in Italian high schools with the educational project "Cervelli Ribelli" supported by MIUR and Sky (in collaboration with Scuola Channel).
In 2020, he produced a docu-film "Tommy e l’Asta dei Cervelli Ribelli" which aired on Sky Arte on April 2, 2020, International Autism Awareness Day, in collaboration with the Cambi Auction House, Milan.
He designed and manages the web area for autism information "Per noi autistici" (For Us Autistics) (
The site, created in 2015 with the contribution of MIUR, is integrated with interactive participation tools, developed within the "Digital for social" project financed by the Vodafone Foundation.
He is the President of the Fondazione Cervelli Ribelli Onlus, an organization that commits to creating and supporting projects capable of providing useful services to families of individuals with autism.
The Foundation develops many projects through a dedicated Factory and an Academy, focused on research and corporate training.
In 2021, he created the “Cervelli Ribelli Hub Lab”, a multimedia physical space in the Prati district of Rome, capable of offering innovative and replicable modules of socio-educational workshops, aimed at providing dignity and social and work inclusiveness to vulnerable people, especially those who are neurodivergent.
Previous Professional Activity
Since 1983, he has collaborated with Rai. Hired as a journalist in 1995, he has held various positions, from correspondent for the Giornale Radio to head of structure for new editorial products, to Editorial Director of the Internet Company RaiNet and Director of the Rainet News editorial office. In 1999, he directed the startup of the portal. He has created and hosted programs for radio and TV. In particular, from 1993 to 2004, he hosted for RadioRai "Golem: idoli e televisioni" (Golem: Idols and Televisions), an analysis of television and current affairs in the evolution of media. The program won various awards (Premiolino 1997, Saint Vincent 1998, special mention at Prix Italia 1998, Forte dei Marmi 1999, and Guidarello 2000).
Since 2005, he has been employed by La Stampa, and since 2006, he has spoken on the microphones of Radio24 (Author and host of the programs: “Melog”, “Il treno va”, “La Nave va”).


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