Caryl Stern
Chief Impact Officer, LionTree
29 May - 10:00 am
Keynote speech "Shifting markets & minds: where purpose meets profit"
Caryl Stern - Chief Impact Officer, LionTree
Caryl Stern
Caryl M. Stern is the Chief Impact Officer at LionTree, an independent investment and merchant bank with deep roots in the media, technology, communications, consumer, and creative industries. The former Executive Director of the Walton Family Foundation (2020–2023), she previously served for 14 years as President and CEO of UNICEF USA, and, before that, as Senior Associate National Director and Chief Operating Officer at the Anti-Defamation League; the founding director of its A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute; and the Dean of Students at Polytechnic University. Caryl was invited to present at the White House’s inaugural summit on The United State of Women and was named one of “25 Women Changing the World in 2017” by People Magazine. She serves on the boards of directors of The Container Store and the We Are Family Foundation, in addition to being a member of the Chime for Change Advisory Board. The recipient of five honorary doctoral degrees, Caryl earned a bachelor’s degree in studio art and a master’s degree in college student personnel administration, and completed her Ph.D. coursework in the same field.
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