Bernardo Bertoldi
Professor of Family Business Strategy
29 May - 10:15 am
Roundtable "Liquidity, longevity, legacy: family wealth across generations"
Bernardi Bertoldi - Professor of Family Business Strategy
Beatriz Martin Jimenez - Head Non-Core & Legacy and President EMEA, UBS Group AG
Giovanni Ronca - Head of Wealth Management Italy, UBS Group
Moderated by Stefania Pinna - Journalist, Sky TG24
Bernardo Bertoldi
Bernardo Bertoldi teaches at the Department of Management of the University of Turin and has been visiting professor at ESCP-Europe and at LUISS. After accomplishing his Ph.D. (2003) in entrepreneurial management and corporate finance, he focuses his research activity in entrepreneurship and family capitalism. In 2007 he attended the EECPCL (European Entrepreneurship Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning) and the CWCD (Case Writing and Course Development Seminar) at Harvard Business School.
He is member of CIFE-Cambridge Institute for Family Enterprises founded by Prof. John Davis of Harvard Business School. The academic research and the gained experience have allowed him to support many entrepreneurial families in Europe.
He has a column with Il Sole 24 Ore, familyandtrends, where family capitalism and strategic trends are discussed.
He teaches at the Business School of the University of Turin (Marketing to the bachelor students, Competitive Analysis II and Family Business Strategy to the post graduate students, and Corporate Finance to MBA students).
He is one the founder of 3H Partners, a consulting firm based in Italy, UK, France and USA.
He is Vicepresident of Club degli Investitori, the first Italian business angel association. He is board member or statutory auditors committee members of listed and non-listed companies.
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