Daniele Manca
Journalist and Deputy Editor, Corriere della Sera
29 May - 9:50 am
Opening speech by Daniele Manca - Journalist and Journalist and Deputy Director, Corriere della Sera
29 May - 4:15 pm
Conversation "From businesses to national system"
Giovanni Tamburi - Founder, Chairman and CEO, T.I.P.
dialogues with Daniele Manca
29 May - 5:45 pm
Conversation "Innovating is not a word but a method"
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo - President, Italo, Manifatture Sigaro Toscano and Fondazione Telethon
dialogues with Daniele Manca
29 May - 6:00 pm
Closing remarks: Daniele Manca
Daniele Manca
Daniele Manca graduated from the DAMS (Disciplines of Art, Music, and Entertainment) at the University of Bologna and was an Inaugural Fellow of the prestigious Sulzberger program at Columbia University School of Journalism, a course that has trained and continues to train leaders of the world’s most respected journalistic organizations.
He has worked at major Italian newspapers and magazines, from Mondo Economico to Panorama, from Italia Oggi to Il Giorno. Since 1994, he has been at Corriere della Sera, where he started as an editor and now holds the position of deputy director, as well as columnist and head of the economics and innovation section.
Over the years, Manca has covered the crucial moments of Italian economics and politics—from the stock market boom in 1986 to the Mani Pulite affairs, from the introduction of the euro to the rescue of Fiat. He has closely followed treaties and crises, from Maastricht to Lisbon, from the financial storm of 2008 to the emergence of the governments led by Monti, Letta, Renzi, Gentiloni, Conte I, Conte II, Draghi, and finally Meloni.
He was among the promoters of the digital transformation of Corriere della Sera. As a professor at the Walter Tobagi School of Journalism at the University of Milan, he shared his experience with students in the "Journalism in the Digital Age" course.
Daniele Manca is also the strategic director and a member of the Scientific Committee of the School of Journalism at IULM University. Furthermore, he is part of the Scientific Committee of Fuori Quota and the Scientific Committee of 100Esperte in the Economics and Finance area. His commitment has made him a Media Ambassador for ENWE (European Network for Women Excellence) and a member of the Steering Committee of the Osservatorio Banca e Impresa 2030.
In further recognition of his contributions, he was awarded the honor of Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by President Sergio Mattarella for promoting culture.
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